With Thanksgiving coming up this week, it’s natural to be thinking about all of the things we’re thankful for. And as dental professionals, we’d be remiss if we didn’t place our teeth and our mouths at the top of that list.
Not only do they help us chew our way through that delicious Thanksgiving feast, but they have many other winning qualities! Please enjoy our list of the top 10 reasons to be thankful for your teeth and from all of us at Owens Dental, we hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving.
They’re multilingual
As the saying goes, a smile is the same in every language. It’s also pretty great at breaking down barriers between people. Way to be educated and compassionate, teeth!
They help you communicate
Your teeth and tongue together allow you to speak. Thanks for giving us a voice.
They work hard
The muscles you use to chew are the strongest ones in the body, since we use them all the time. (This means your jaw is in great shape! Aww yeah.)
… and they party hard, too
In a country that celebrates National Talk Like a Pirate Day (September 19) and National Waffle Day (August 24), it probably comes as no surprise that teeth have several holidays all their own: take National Tooth Fairy Day on February 28, and World Smile Day on the first Friday in October, for starters. We can appreciate a good work-life balance, teeth. Thanks for setting the example on that.
They’re sturdy
Tooth enamel is the hardest surface in the human body. Thanks for not giving way to pressure, guys.
They’re team players
Great oral health is linked to holistic health and can prevent heart disease, osteoporosis, and diabetes. Nice.
They’re well-behaved
Snails have over 12000 ridged “teeth” on their tongues. Tongues, people. Let’s all take a minute to be thankful that we only have 32, and that they stick to the edges of our mouths.
They’re self-sufficient
Did you know saliva is a natural cavity deterrent? Now, don’t get too excited. This isn’t a good enough reason to keep you from ever coming to the dentist again. But it’s oddly comforting to know that our mouths are automatically engineered to take care of themselves, isn’t it?
They’re perceptive
Right-handers chew on the right side of their mouths; vice versa for left-handers. And over time our mouths have evolved to realize they don’t need wisdom teeth (now, many people are born without them!). That’s some crazy intelligence right there, and we appreciate that.
They’re unique
Your smile, and your tongue print, are completely your own… no two are the same! Kind of amazing, huh?
Well, hopefully we have given you a few more reasons to be thankful this Holiday Season. Until next time, take care of those teeth and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
For help caring for your custom smile, contact us for an appointment — we would love to meet you!
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